We proudly welcome all veterans to our facility. We are honored to serve the men and women who have dedicated their time to ensure our safety and freedom. The Local Healing House is contracted with Community Care and TriWest to provide veterans with acupuncture and massage treatments thought the VA program.
- Acupuncture and Massage
- Common problems
- Beyond the VA
- 2024 updates
- VA pays for E-Z-I at home
- PTSD Therapy
Acupuncture and Massage
Anyone with Veteran’s benefits can reach out to their medical provider within the VA system to receive a referral for 12 acupuncture visits or 12 massage visits. The acupuncture sessions typically last between an hour to an hour and a half, offering you ample time to find pain relief. On the other hand, the massage services are designed to provide a focused 30-minute session, perfect for addressing specific areas or injuries. Please don’t hesitate to contact your VA providers for more information about your benefits. We’re here to support your well-being.
Most Common problems we address
- Pain Management
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Neuropathy
- Loss of Balance
- Digestive Disorders
- Low Back Pain
- And much, much more
Beyond the VA
Veterans possess a unique cultural identity that many outsiders may not fully understand. At our business, we recognize this distinction and place veterans at the forefront of our mission. We are committed to offering comprehensive support and assistance in any way possible. The Local Healing House provides services to veterans with a 15% discount on all cash-based services, ensuring they receive the care and respect they deserve.
If there is any veteran that is in need of help, please contact Erin at 970-364-0003. We are connected with several different organizations and non-profits that can offer assistance including food and clothing.
Important Links:
The VA in Grand Junction, Ask for Erin or Paula in the Community Care department to learn how to get a referral for Acupuncture or Massage services with VA benefits. Your Medical Doctor or PA can also write a script for services at The Local Healing House.
Memorial Day Riders help local veterans though a yearly motorcycle, car, and how ever you want to ride event on Memorial Day. The even starts early in the morning in Glenwood and ends in Rifle.
To Learn More about Services offered at The Local Healing House
2024 updates
The VA has made changes to the RFS forms. This could lead to a delay in services for anyone expecting to extend their treatments. The could also effect anyone that is looking for more services. The Local Healing House does have the updated form on file.
The EZI has been extremely helpful with certain types of pain. The VA has allowed some of the veterans to take home their own EZI. The Local Healing House did send a request for a home devise and also provided a copy to the veteran. The veteran was advised to take the paper work to their own MD to further move the process along. This was successful. PHOTOS WERE TAKEN AS PART OF THE EVIDENCE – If you would like to explore the E-Z-I for your own pain management, please contact us for an evaluation.
If you struggle with PTSD then you may be qualified to unlimited acupuncture services in Rifle. Region 1 has been providing veterans with continual care for PTSD. This is also possible for our region. If you believe you need help please reach out to Dr. Murphy. Dr. Murphy was part of the founding team in Fort Lauderdale for a free PTSD clinic for veterans using electric ear therapy. We can write up a RFS or you can ask your medical team for a referral.