There are different types of acupuncture therapy and modalities that we perform at The Local Healing House. Here is a general overview of what you can expect:
Evaluation: This is generally the first step in acupuncture. This 90 minute session allows us to sit down, one-on-one, and discuss your primary reasons behind seeking acupuncture. Some people decide to skip this step. If there is a small minor issue, skipping the Evaluation is ok. For more complex problems, the acupuncture may not be as effective when skipping the evaluation.
Price: $150.00
Lux Acupuncture: This is a 3 part acupuncture session that is usually face up and face down treatment. Most acupuncture locations only do one side of the body. The Lux allows a more therapeutic experience.
Price: $115
Basic Acupuncture: This is a more cost effective treatment session or a limited session to just one area. It is 30 minutes and uses traditional acupuncture methods.
Price: $95.00
Cupping Therapy

Cupping is an exciting treatment that we offer at The Local Healing House to address muscular pain and internal medicine conditions. Cupping is a bit different from other traditional methods because a mark is left on the skin. The mark can last a few minutes to a few weeks.
The color of the mark reflects the medical condition that a person is facing. In cases where there is no mark, a practitioner understands that the patient is deficient and needs to be supplemented with therapy. Bodybuilders tend to have blood trapped in the muscle fibers and a darker mark would be expected on the skin to show the stagnation of the blood. If a bodybuilder showed a light (or no mark) this could reflect a potential problem. In this case, the body builder could actually be harming their muscles and they run a risk of trauma to the tendons, muscle body, or ligaments.
Cupping is a popular treatment for professional athletes. The cupping marks are views on Olympians. Michael Phelps in a commercial receiving a cupping treatment as part of a promotion for Nike. There are also cupping application for reducing wrinkles as part of cosmetic acupuncture. The Kardashian’s have promoted cupping techniques to maintain their skin. Justin Bieber, Jennifer Aniston, Lena Dunham and many other celebrities use cupping for different reasons.
Cupping for pain
The mechanism of pain is a complicated situation and often a different experience for each person. Cupping uses a negative pressure system to pull blood out of the muscle level and into the skin level. The change within the internal tissue can be enough to reduce a person’s pain. Acupuncturists often refer to this as “moving blood”. For example, when the body builder is working out the body pushes fluids, electrolytes, oxygen, proteins, and acids to the muscle. The muscle needs nutrients in order to work properly. During the process, the muscle eliminates biological waist. Do you keep trash inside your house? No… Neither does a cell. A cell will “spit out” the biological waste into the interstitial environment. If this environment does not have a strong circulation, then the body builder will have more discomfort after working out. When the cups are placed on the skin and a pump is used to lift the skin, then the negative pressure will force the body to circulate body fluids. This is why there is a mark left on the body.
For Heart-Burn
Heartburn can be a difficult condition to deal with. Many people complain that they cannot sleep and they have a hard time after eating. Cupping can help reduce the frequency of heartburn. In this situation, there is a specific point on the back that we place one cup. Most often the patient does not have a mark after this cupping experience. The reason there is no mark is based on the nature of heartburn. The person is deficient…. Where as the body builder has an excess condition.
For Beauty
Cosmetic cupping never leaves a mark. In most cases of cupping, the cup is left for 2 minutes. With cosmetic cupping, the cup is placed on the skin for less than 5 seconds. The cupping is used to break up skin adhesions that anchor the wrinkles.
Cupping is an adjunct therapy to acupuncture and medical herbs. As an oriental medicine doctor, our job is to treat the entire body, not just local issues. We are here to help the body reach its maximal potential. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you.
Moxibustion Therapy
The Local Healing House has several practitioners that are experienced at using Moxibustion. Moxibustion, also called Moxa, is a traditional Chinese medical technique that uses heat at a specific location to achieve a medical goal. Moxibustion has been used for thousand of years; however, medical research started as early as 1927.
Moxibustion is made from a plant called mugwort, artemesia vulgaris, and can be applied directly to the skin as a small cone or through a stick. On occasions, the mugwort is formed into a ball and placed on the end of an acupuncture needle. This allows the heat from the fire to penetrate deeper into muscles. There are different qualities of moxa and price ranges from $150 for an ounce to $10 for an ounce. The most important aspect of using moxa is the heat that is emitted from the mugwort. Modern clinics us moist heat through the application of heated wet packs. Sometimes, most heat is not the best option for the condition. The moxa allows us to apply dry heat. In addition, the we packs are broad and generalized. The moxa is more specific and the heat can go deeper.
How Can It Help You?
Previous research supported theories that moxibustion can help with breeched babies through the release of estrogen and prostaglandins. These hormones promote contraction of the uterus to change the baby’s position. Many women use moxibustion in an attempt to correct the position of a breached baby.
Additional research shows that moxibustion helps with pain. The heat emitted from the mugwort helps stimulate and promote the movement of blood. Arthritis pain is often controlled with moxibustion and acupuncture treatments.
Women dealing with menstruation difficulties or cramping pain find relief with moxibustion treatments. Some woman will apply the moxibustion at homes by placing the heat from the moxa stick over their lower abdomen. Women with excessive bleeding also place the moxa stick on areas around the knee.
This technique can also be used for facial paralysis and numbness to stimulate the nerve. People with Bell’s Palsy place the moxa along the facial nerves. Individuals that have experienced strokes can place the moxa over limbs that have been affected by the stroke. In these applications, the moxibustion is a supplementary treatment that assists acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, and medical Chinese herbs.
Clinically, moxibustion can be applied to the blistering rash of shingles. The heat from the moxa stick and help fight the viral infection by altering the local environmental conditions. Shingles can be extremely painful, to the point of being debilitating and lead to chronic pain. Moxibustion can have a huge impact on a patient’s quality of life and reduce their pain.
Cancer is a difficult condition to face and often patients are exhausted after treatments. Moxibustion can help support the patient during their treatments.
There are many additional applications for moxa in as a therapeutic treatment. The most important function of the moxa is having the ability to direct heat into the body at specific locations. If you would like to know more about how The Local Healing Room uses moxa, please contact us. We will be more than happy to determine if the treatment would be successful for any condition you are dealing with.
Herbal Therapy
Herbal therapy, the original medicine for all forms of illness, and pain.
V & M
With today’s science in nutrition, we know what the body needs.
Not all hero’s wear a cap! Sometimes, we need something a little more.
What to expect during your herbal therapy session
Dr. Murphy, DAOM, LAc. will preform a detailed interview to make sure your health goals are meet with as much proficiency as possible. Prepare to spend at least 45 minutes discussing your current health, current medications, and your goals.
Please avoid eating anything an hour before your session and please do not brush your tongue for at least 24 hours before your session. The tongue is a the map of the organ system. Dr. Murphy will want to see your tongue to confirm any findings.
Your prescription could include traditional asian based herbal therapy and formulas, vitamin, minerals, or additional therapeutic applications. Herbs and supplements cost extra outside of the therapy session.

What can be treated with herbal therapy and interventions?
Dr. Murphy’s was trained in Florida where she is considered a primary care and a physician. However, this should not be confused with a medical PCP provider. Dr. Murphy’s involved training included internal medicine and physical medicine applications. Dr. Murphy has conducted research in pain and the immune system. The most common request are:
Pain (Joint, Muscle, Neurological, Injury)
Flu, colds, headaches
Female Related Complications
Sexual Health
Energy Level
Anti Aging
Focus And Mental Health
Depression and Anxiety
Internal complications
Please Note, this is not just about taking some pills.
Herbal therapy is not about a life long commitment to drinking a formula or taking some pills. In fact, the goal is always to nourish the body so the body can become stronger and no longer need the herbal therapy.
Herbs are to help supplement a weaken state. It is our goal that all clients are able to thrive with as little intervention as possible.
What are herbs and how are they used?
There is a misconception that herbs are natural and therefor are safe. We live in a world where a frog can spit out a very natural and deadly dart. Its natural. Its deadly. Herbs are not always safe in every situation and it is important to work with an educated and experienced professional to make sure your using herbs in the safest form. Herbs are very powerful with reducing pain, stopping crams and PMS, and helping with depression and anxiety. When used properly, the are a great gift to our culture.
But what exactly is an herb? Herbs are made up of rocks, sands, animals, flower, essentially any thing found in the solar system can be used as an herb. We can consider oxygen a form of herbal therapy. Every Hospital in the United States has a department that use oxygen and even pressures to help with infections and other medical conditions. Dr. Murphy has also used maggot therapy to help with extreme wounds that could have lead to amputations.

How are herbal formulas made? A formula is a mixture of different types herbs that work together for a desired outcome. A formula can be as simple as mint, lemon, and water. Most herbal formulas are not as simple as enjoyable teas. A complex formula might have up to 15 different types of herbs. Formulas can be taken in different forms. Raw herbs are the strongest form of herbs. This is where herbs are shipped to the home in their natural state and the person add’s water and a special cooking process takes place. The water is then consumed. Some people prefer powders and granules. The herbs are cooked in the pharmacy, then baked down into a powder. The powder is then shipped to the client and the client add’s water and drinks. Some herbs come in a pill form or a tea pill and the client swallows there herbs according to the prescription.
What is the difference between herbs and vitamins? There is a great difference between herbs and vitamins. Vitamins and minerals are nutritional needs and they are easily tracked through blood work. Herbs are more closely related to a pharmaceutical application with a specific goal as the outcome. A detailed interview is required to really determine what the body needs for the best health. For example, if a 40 year old woman is losing their hair and there is no family history of hair loss, then what should be done? Perhaps, its a vitamin b issue because that lady became a vegan. Perhaps its stress and an herbal therapy can help reduce the anxiety. The difference in being a doctor and not a doctor is the next level of consideration. Maybe this lady needs to be placed on medication because their thyroid is not working properly. Being a professional within the medical system means working with your entire medical team. Dr. Murphy is more then happy to work with your medical team to order blood work, share notes, and to support you and your needs.